Young Archeologists! July 18-21, 2016

Bi-chrome, poly-chrome, lithic, or pottery shard? Atlatl or bow-and-arrow? Mountain Kids had so much fun this week as we explored the field of archeology! The Hummingbirds, Owls, and Eagles began at the NM Department of Archeology where we tried our hand at different hunting apparatuses, examined bits of stone and pottery, and watched as a skilled professional made a perfect obsidian arrowhead. Tuesday the Owls and Eagles hiked the Winsor, and played lots of games in the mountains. The Hummingbirds enjoyed the cool temperatures and water at the Ski Basin. The campers also put on their thinking caps and imagined how they would someday be ancient people. Each child thought of something they would like future peoples to know about them, which they wrote down or drew, and put in our time capsule. Wednesday the Hummingbirds and Owls had another great day at the Pecos National Monument where we learned about the history of the Pueblo and Plains Indians, and the upheaval between them and the Spanish and missionaries. The kids had a chance to climb ladders down into ceremonial kivas, and spend some time in cool shade it provided. The Eagles visited Mesa Prieta in the morning and cooled off in the Rio Grande in the afternoon. On Thursday, we began our day enjoying and cooling off in the sprinklers at Fort Marcy. After our morning start, the Hummingbirds and Owls wrapped things up at Big Tesuque, where we had lots of free play in the forest. The Eagles ended the week exploring Arroyo Hondo. This was such a fun week at Mountain Kids and it was so clear to us how rich the area is with history and resources for us modern folk to enjoy!

Hummingbird Adventures:

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Owl Adventures:

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Eagle Adventure:

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Fun in the Sprinklers!

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