Wednesday July 17th: Base Camp/Shidoni

We began the day with some team building games and a circle of thanks. We read a book about giving thanks to the earth and our resources and went around the circle sharing what we were thankful for. Then we had snack and loaded up the vans! The Bobcats went to Base Camp (Katie’s property). Base camp is fully equipped for all kinds of outdoor fun including shelter building, slack line, archery, hiking, and making art projects! The Otters went to Shidoni. The open fields of grass with beautiful big sculptures also created a great setting for a lot of games and art. They used pencils and watercolor to paint the statues, and played games like ‘night at the museum’ and ‘frog detective’ as well as tag and hide and seek. We also played in the river bed, which, sadly, is all dry. The kids didn’t mind and jumped right in to dig in the mud and build with mud and rocks. It was a wonderful, cool summer day!

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