Summer 2012 Plans Are Underway!

Camp will begin after Memorial Day, and run for weekly sessions, four days/week.  In the works are a Big Kids Challenge week for 7-9 year olds who want to challenge themselves on some big hikes, as well as a Plein Air Painting week for young artistes who want to combine hiking and nature exploration with landscape painting and art making. Of course, there will be immersion in nature for all ages, with lots of fun, exploration and adventure!  Stay tuned for more info and a new website coming soon.

Until then, here are a few images from last summer’s fun:

How many mountain kids does it take to hug one cottonwood tree?  (at the Leonora Curtin Preserve)


Mainly muddy at Little Tesuque Creek…lots of messy fun to be had!


Enjoying a shady cave on an amazing day trip to Tsankawi, part of Bandelier National Monument.


Climbing down the big ladder at Tsankawi (notice the smoke in the Sangres from Pacheco Canyon) Pray for Snow!


Findings… great still life material!


Happy Camper!


Owen and Zubin off to “Meet a Tree”, a great trust-building and getting “in touch” with nature activity.


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