Summer 2011: Week 3 – Bees, Butterflies and Flowers, Oh My!

We had a special treat this week – a trip to Tsankawi in Bandelier National Monument. This place never ceases to amaze me or the kids with it’s deeply grooved paths, ladders, and endless caves to explore.  We spent time imagining what life was like living here so long ago without the luxuries we know today.

We learned about bees and the importance of pollination during the remainder of the week.  We had a visit from a real live beekeeper, which taught us a lot about bees and what a beekeeper does to harvest their delicious honey.

We continued to look for and identify wildflowers, and worked on a giant papier-mache sun for the Summer Solstice celebration at the Children’s Museum.

To view more photos from Week 3 visit the web gallery here.

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