Wildside: Wilderness Skills & Adventures for Boys & Girls

Ages: 9-12
One Sunday monthly, 11 am-4pm
Fall Tuition: 195 + tax, Winter/Spring Tuition: $260 + tax
September 30, October 28, November 18, January 27, February 24, March 31, April 28
Challenge Level:    
Wildside is a monthly skills building program which will run throughout the school year, culminating in an (optional) backpacking trip in June.
This is an empowering adventure for pre-adolescent girls and boys, providing them an opportunity to inquire, engage and challenge themselves in skills and arts that will serve them well and provide them with a deep sense of accomplishment.
Kids will learn the way of the bow, fire making skills, tracking, orienteering, plant medicine making, shelter building and natural crafts. As a group we will build strong trust and communication skills.
Adventure and play is a natural and essential part of learning outdoors, and will be incorporated into our days together in liberal doses.
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