June 12-15, 2017: Forts & Forests, Week 2, All Ages

The Wolves joined the Chuckwallas on Monday at Norski for some fort building fun and everyone learned how to make fire with a bow drill from Ezra. Throughout the week we incorporated wilderness skills, such as the 5 W’s, what to do if you get lost and what to bring on a hike. On Tuesday, we headed further down the trail to continue work on forts we had stared the previous week. The tent caterpillars were back and the kids had fun making hotels for them. Wednesday morning we were surprised by the sprinklers at Alto Park, but the campers had fun running through them.  We spent the day at the Ski Basin exploring Easy Street without much snow on it ~ well, there were still a few small patches to play with! The week wrapped up with a trip to Deer Creek, where the water and shade provided a welcome relief from the summer’s heat. Page shared lots about the uses of plants that we saw along the trail.

At Deer Creek the Chuckwallas made it past the 5th pool, (which is an adventure on it’s own)! Yet again we witnessed the same determination, teamwork and effort as the kids took the lead in making it past the third pool. The mission took planning, innovation, inner strength, and trust. Every single camper accepted the challenge and conquered it.

Camper quote, at Deer Creek, by Melia: “After this I will be one step closer to enlightenment.”

Overall, it was a fantastic week!

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