Photo Safari!
This week the Hummingbirds and Owls went on a photo safari adventure! While the kids were playing and exploring in nature, they captured images of their adventure using photography techniques they learned from our photography master and Director, Katie. Some of the techniques they used were the rule of thirds, contrast, and close-up and faraway view points. Featured below are the photos taken by the Hummingbirds and Owls throughout their photo safari!
Photos by the Hummingbirds:
By Jackson Wolf
By Liam Reeves
By Liat
By Marina
By Max White
By Milana Word Brown
By Rose
By Rosie Chapman
by Alma
By Ana Pope
By Christopher Severy
By Jaden Rand
By Jet
By Katja
Photos by the Owls:
By Benjamin Reeves
By Clarence
By Cyrus Donovon
By Eddie
By Isabella
By Jackson Safarik
By Liam Baker
By Lucio
By Luke Rand
By Oliver Iapalucci
By Rinchen R
By Teresa Ortega
By Vincent Baker
By Yangchen R
In addition to the kids capturing moments in nature, our Mountain Kids counselors caught the Hummingbirds and Owls in action throughout their adventure. To start the week, we ventured to Little Tesuque where we practiced the rule of thirds and enjoyed the river. On Tuesday, we headed out to the picturesque Rio En Medio. The kids became ever-vigilant as they carefully hiked through “poison-ivy alley” (successfully) and were awe-struck by a huge mass of hot-pink blooming Cholla. The Hummingbirds had lots of free play that involved such things as crossing streams stone by stone, clambering up boulders, and discovering moss that became green carpet for a home. The Owls hiked all the way to the majestic waterfall and enjoyed getting soaked in the cool water. The week also took us to Big Tesuque, Norski, and the Beaver Ponds where we shot more photos with new knowledge of the elements of design from a photographic perspective: line, shape, pattern, contrast and color. The Hummingbirds and Owls accomplished a lot in one week, culminating in a end of week Photo Show where the kids favorite photo was shown at Warehouse 21. We are mighty proud of their willingness to see nature as a thing of beauty and wonder. Check out the kids’ adventures below!
Hummingbird adventures:
Sun Prints!
Sun Prints!
Owls Adventures:
Adventure Filmmaking!
Adventure Filmmaking was Mountain Kids first two week camp! For the first week, the Eagles went on a backpacking trip to Rio en Medio. During their trip, the Eagles filmed their adventure, capturing footage of the river, forest, and fellow campers. Throughout their second week of camp, the Eagles went to Warehouse 21 to create a movie out of their taken film. When they weren’t in the studio, the Eagles also took nature adventures to the Santa Fe River and Deer Creek. Their two weeks culminated in a show of their videos, along side the photo show. It was great to see these beginning film makers work, and was an awesome two weeks of film and nature!