July 6th: Digging into the Past, Tsankawi, Bandelier National Monument

Tsankawi is always a magical place to visit, even on a hot, hot day like today!  Days like today make us all appreciate water, and it’s importance, especially in light of visiting the former homes of the pueblo people who lived here 600-800 years ago. What hardship they must have endured to survive in this raw, beautiful land!

The caves we awesome to cool off in, eat our lunch, listen to a story and some flute music by Katie.  After lunch we had a blast exploring all the caves, the amazing “stairs” and the grooved paths, worn down by hundreds of years of use.

What a great way to finish off our week of Digging into the Past!  Thanks to a great group a kids for a wonderful time exploring a bit of New Mexico’s fascinating history.

Enjoy the photos of our great group of Mountain Kids!

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