Friday, July 5th: Tsankawi!

We all began the day with a story about salmon boy – a native American myth – told by Ashley. After snack we headed to Tsankawi for the day.

LITTLES: We had lunch and then began our hike. We talked about mesas and petroglyphs. We went up a big ladder and hiked up to the highest mesa. The view was beautiful. We sat in the shade to rest. Then we heard thunder so we sang songs to ask the skies for rain and hiked back down. We arrived in the shelter and it began to rain! During that time we put together our art books and played and colored!

BIGS: We had a great hike!  We stopped at the interpretive signs to learn about the ancestral pueblo people and their two-story buildings, petroglyphs and agriculture.  When we got to the caves we stopped for a rest and talked about what life would be like there, and what we would miss about our modern lives.  We were blessed by a light rain at the end of our hike – it was so nice to cool down!

Quote of the Day: “This is a big hike, a beautiful hike, a fun hike, right?” -Duncan

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