June 26-29, 2017: Wonders of Water! Week 2

Our second week of Wonders of Water took us to the Norski Trails, the Big T, Deer Creek, the Little Tesuque, Nambe Falls, and White Water Rafting on the Rio Grande for the Beavers!  It was an event and water filled week with lots of learning and fun for both groups.

Here are a few of the highlights: we made a cloud in a bottle as a way to learn about condensation and the water cycle.  We made sunprints which was a great way to look more closely at the nature around us, and fun to do in the river.  We did an activity called the Web of Life where we each represented an animal, plant, or element and made connections with each other by throwing a ball of wool around the circle.  It ended up in a tangled web, illustrating clearly the interconnections of our web of life, including the importance of water to everything.  I was super-impressed with the kids focus and interest during this activity, and the connections they readily made with each other.

We did a lot of hiking and playing games and found a little time to sit quietly in nature. We braved the cold water at Nambe Falls, and survived the heat of late June! What a great week of watery fun and learning all around.

Enjoy the photos of both groups from the week below!


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