The Secret Language of Birds! July 27-30, 2015

For Bird Week, the mountain kids all grabbed their binoculars and eyed the trees for some of New Mexico’s best birds! Venturing to the Beaver Ponds and Diablo Canyon, as we hiked we listened to all the different bird sounds. Throughout the week, we spotted many birds from sparrows, vultures, ravens, and hawks. Wednesday was a special bird learning day! In the morning at Fort Marcy, we learned about the five different bird calls: song, companion calls, juvenile begging, territorial aggression, and alarm. In five skits, we reenacted the bird calls. We also learned about the bone structures of birds. Looking at different bird skulls, we found that the bird’s beaks, eyes, and nostrils will vary depending on the bird’s nature. In the afternoon, we visited the Espanola Wildlife Center. There, we met many different birds, including a burrowing owl, an osprey, a bald eagle, and a barred owl.

Wednesday Bird Activities and Adventures Slideshow:

Hummingbirds Slideshow:

Owls Slideshow:

Eagles Slideshow:


Volcanoes Rock! July 20-23, 2015

For our rock week, we found many fossils, learned about the different rock types, and, most importantly, played in the mud! On Monday, we explored the rocky, fossil covered hills of the Beaver Ponds. After a large rain storm on Monday night, Tuesday became the perfect day to splash in the mud at Galisteo Basin Preserve. On Wednesday, we hiked through the iconic tent rocks and rock climbed up into a cave. We ended our week diving into the pools of Deer Creek. Mountain Kids Rock!





Archeology! July 13-16, 2015

For our archeology week, Mountain Kids had a blast learning about New Mexico’s past all while playing outside. Thursday was a great treat! We went to Tsankawi to explore the ancient pueblo. We climbed down into the old homes and told stories. In the afternoon we enjoyed a giant rain storm, taking shelter in the nearby caves.

Hummingbirds/Owls Slideshow:

Eagles Slideshow: