Wonders of Water! (with campout for 9-12 years)

Strap on your water shoes and get ready to splash around in the beautiful mountain streams of Santa Fe. Not only will you get to play and explore in our magical waters, you will also learn where our water comes from, where it goes, and the importance of taking care of our watershed.

Ready for something truly wondrous? Our wilderness skills expert will also teach you several techniques for safe water purification so that you always have enough water to drink and cook with on your next outdoor adventure!

Our oldest campers will campout at Abiquiu Lake on Thursday night; swimming and roasting marshmallows over an open fire. What better way to spend summertime?

Did you know?  The Santa Fe River Watershed is 285 square miles – from Lake Peak (12,408’) in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains to the confluence with the Rio Grande at Cochiti (5,220’)

June 17-21, 2024 | Ages 5-6, 7-8 & 9-12

9:00 am – 3:30 pm

Monday – Friday $555 + tax (5-6 & 7-8 year olds)

Monday – Friday, with campout Thursday night –  $675 + tax (9-12 year olds)

Drop-off/Pick-up Times and Locations
We are now offering two drop-off/pick-up locations to choose from: Patrick Smith Park and Swan Park. Swan Park campers will meet at 8:30 and be shuttled to Patrick Smith, leaving at 8:45 to join with other campers.  Pick up for all groups is between 3:30-3:45 at their respective locations.

Challenge Level:

Scholarship Application


Para registrarse en español, haga clic en el botón Registrarse arriba y seleccione español en el menú superior derecho del sitio web de Active. Para obtener ayuda, envíe un correo electrónico a: hello@sfmountainkids.com.

Foraging in the Forest

In this week, we will explore all things connected to the earth and grow our understanding of our plant friends! From foraging for nutritive teas to scouting shelter building materials and learning how to camouflage in the woods; with plants we can thrive in nature. By the end of the week, the knowledge we get will leave us feeling inspired, joyous, and empowered!

Did you know? Trees communicate and share nutrients with one another through an underground network of fungi in the soil!

June 3-7 | Ages 5-6, 7-8 & 9-12

9:00 am-3:30 pm

Monday – Friday $555 + tax

Drop-off/Pick-up Times and Locations
We are now offering two drop-off/pick-up locations to choose from: Patrick Smith Park and Swan Park. Swan Park campers will meet at 8:30 and be shuttled to Patrick Smith, leaving at 8:45 to join with other campers.  Pick up for all groups is between 3:30-3:45 at their respective locations.

Challenge Level:

Scholarship Application


Para registrarse en español, haga clic en el botón Registrarse arriba y seleccione español en el menú superior derecho del sitio web de Active. Para obtener ayuda, envíe un correo electrónico a: hello@sfmountainkids.com.

Awesome Animals! of New Mexico

Animal lovers unite! This week we will learn about some of the amazing animals of New Mexico. We will examine animal tracks and signs on our hikes in nature and we’ll examine pelts and skulls of local mammals. We will learn about bird language, look for birds in the wild.

We will also get up close and personal with raptors and other rescued animals at the Wildlife Center in Espanola. Of course, making new friends, games, crafts and teamwork are a part of all Mountain Kids! adventures.

May 28-May 31 | Ages 5-6, 7-8 & 9-12

9:00 am – 3:30 pm 

Monday – Friday $444 + tax (four day camp)

Drop-off/Pick-up Times and Locations
We are now offering two drop-off/pick-up locations to choose from: Patrick Smith Park and Swan Park. Swan Park campers will meet at 8:30 and be shuttled to Patrick Smith, leaving at 8:45 to join with other campers.  Pick up for all groups is between 3:30-3:45 at their respective locations.

Challenge Level:

Scholarship Application

Para registrarse en español, haga clic en el botón Registrarse arriba y seleccione español en el menú superior derecho del sitio web de Active. Para obtener ayuda, envíe un correo electrónico a: hello@sfmountainkids.com.

Wilderness Skills

Have you ever wondered what it takes to survive in the wilderness? Come learn the essential skills for staying safe, building shelter, finding water, navigating and much more! You will not only have a fun time exploring the beautiful Santa Fe National Forest, but will leave feeling more confident and safe in the outdoors. Ready for adventure? Let’s go!

August 7-11 | Ages 5-7, 8-12

9 – 4 | Early Care Available 

Mon-Fri, $475 + tax

Challenge Level:

Scholarship Application




Wonders of Water!

Strap on your water shoes and get ready to splash around in the beautiful mountain streams of Santa Fe. Not only will you get to play and explore in our magical waters, you will also learn where our water comes from,  where it goes, and the importance of taking care of our watershed. On Friday, we will head to to a local lake (Abiquiu or Cochiti to swim, play and get refreshed!

Ready for something truly wondrous? Our wilderness skills expert will also teach you several techniques for safe water purification so that you always have enough water to drink and cook with on your next outdoor adventure!

Did you know? Humans are mostly made of water? The body weight of adults is around 60% water.

July 31-August 4 | Ages 5-7 & 8-12

9–4 | Early Care Available

Mon-Fri $475 + tax

Challenge Level:

Scholarship Application


Wilderness Survival Shelters with Camp Out

Learn everything you have ever wanted to know about survival shelters and gain wilderness survival skills in this week long adventure. What is a debris hut and how it is different than a wicki-up? Why won’t a stick fort keep me warm and dry, and how can I make it so it will? We will learn about survival shelters and about primitive and modern fire-making techniques, and make our own food over the fire on our overnight campout.  Campers will need a sleeping bag and sleeping pad at a minimum.  If you need gear, please contact us and we will do our best to provide it. 

July 17 – 21 | Ages 8 – 12

9 am – 4pm | Overnight campout Thursday night 

Monday – Friday  $595 + tax

Challenge Level:

Scholarship Application


Extraordinary Earth!

In this week, we will explore all things connected to the earth. You will learn about many of the trees and plants in our high mountain ecosystem, build shelters with downed trees, play in the mud(dy earth!) and learn how to camouflage in the woods! Our plant expert will show you many wonderful uses for local plants, such as using yucca to weave rope and which plants can be used for food or medicine.  This will be a fun and learning filled week of mud, clay and skills. See you in the woods!

Did you know? Trees communicate and share nutrients with one another through an underground network of fungi in the soil!

July 17 – 21 | Ages 5 – 7

9 – 4 | Early Care Available

Mon- Fri $475 + tax

Challenge Level:

Scholarship Application



Wilderness Skills

Have you ever wondered what it takes to survive in the wilderness? Come learn the essential skills for staying safe, building shelter, finding water, navigating and much more! You will not only have a fun time exploring the beautiful Santa Fe National Forest, but will leave feeling more confident and safe in the outdoors. Ready for adventure? Let’s go!

June 10 – 14 | Ages 5-7, 8-12

9 – 4 | Early Care Available 

Mon-Fri, $475 + tax

Challenge Level:

Scholarship Application
