One-Week Camps & After School Mountain Biking


One-week enrollment is now available! Hooray! I know this will make many of you happy. Go ahead and enroll now!

After School Mountain Biking begins has started. We meet on Wednesdays, 3:45-5:30 at La Tierra trails. Meet our new coach, Ulysses Yarbrough, who is excited to share his passion for mountain biking with your kids. We are also offering kids 10 and older an opportunity to train for La Tierra Torture race, June 3rd. (Sounds fun, right?! 😉 We still have space to join us and get your little ripper onto the trails after school.

Last weeks “Glow Kids” event with Dr. Kardaras was a great success. There were about 200 parents, teachers and kids there to learn more about the effects of too much screen time on kids. While I had some critiques of his presentation, Dr. Kardaras underscored the importance of nature time for kids development. We love to help parents and kids unplug and plug into nature! Sign up for camp now to assure your kids get unplugged this summer!

Lastly, mark your calendars: Mountain Kids offering a free family hike on Sunday, April 30th. We will meet at Fort Marcy at our usual spot (north side parking lot off of Murales) to gather and carpool to our destination. Pack a lunch, snacks, water, sunhat, sunscreen, and dress in layers. More details soon!

As always, please contact me with questions.

Enjoy the snow!


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