Mountain Biking Camp! May 30-June 2, 2017

Wow!  What an awesome week of riding!  We had a mixture of experienced riders and some who had never been riding on trails before.  It was amazing to see them all improve over the course of the week.

We spent two days at La Tierra riding the flow trail, the perimeter trail (a 14+ mile day!) the whoop-de-doos, and everything in between.  We managed to dodge the threatening storms, which made for perfect riding weather – not too hot!

We also spent two days at Galisteo Basin which has a great combination of sweet, smooth trails for cruising and a rocky downhill (Derek’s Delight!) for practicing those downhill skills.

One of the girls was really challenging herself to tackle some challenging descents and climbs, telling me: “I am pushing myself this week.”  She was so proud, it was inspiring and heartwarming to witness.  Another boy commented in our closing circle: “It was so easy to make new friends at mountain biking camp.”  Several others reported that the week was “just awesome” and they “loved everything!”

We even found some time to get off the bikes and play a few games:  eagle eye, ninja, and capture the flag.  On the last day we rewarded ourselves with a morning ride, lunch and then a swim at Bicentennial Pool.  A perfect way to end a week of 33.7 miles of riding!  Congratulations to an amazing crew of riders on a fantastic week!

We may have a Mountain Kids! Mountain Biking Team brewing: “Team Guacamole, anyone!?”  (You’ll have to ask your kids about that one!:)

Click on any image below to see a larger image of these rad kids riding!

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